September 6, 2010

Hail Caesar!

I like to think that I am a curious person with an inquisitive mind. That being said, I can honestly say I have never once thought to ask why in the world a Caesar Salad is called a Caesar Salad.

Let's not forget the words of one of my childhood heroes, G.I. Joe, who said, "Now you know and knowing is half the battle."

"The name conjures up a toga-clad emperor tucking into a spot of lunch before perhaps throwing a Christian or two to the lions.

But, actually, Caesar salad is less than 100 years old and hails from a restaurant in Mexico run by a man called Caesar Cardini - a restaurant so good that one day it virtually ran out of food.

In a fit of panic, Caesar threw together everything left in the kitchen: lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese, eggs, olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper and Worcester sauce - mixed it all together and presented it with a confident flourish to a group of film stars who’d flown in from Hollywood. It was a huge success and Caesar Cardini became a very rich man."

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